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Get Involved 

Your engagement in our mission is vital 

How Can You Make a Difference? 

We have a big vision for our city. Becoming a sanctuary city for life will not be easy. Your involvement is needed now more than ever before as we expand our network of

prayer, programs, and promotion.


Expanding pregnancy wellness programs that honor both mother and unborn child is our priority. Our medical and services staff have outlined new services to aid those at risk of abortion and those unprepared for parenting, to meet their needs during and after pregnancy. These programs directly impact key outcomes that have been demonstrated to improve maternal and fetal health and fatherhood engagement.


Prayer is not only a foundational aspect of our ministry but also a powerful force that sustains and guides our mission. The Road Crew, our dedicated prayer network comprising 300 prayer warriors, plays a crucial role in interceding weekly to eliminate obstacles and illuminate the path to truth for individuals. As we aspire to expand our impact, our goal is to grow the Road Crew to over 1000 warriors by the end of 2024.


We have an opportunity to promote our mission in ways that provide clarity and compassion to a culture that celebrates death and propagates confusion.  Education and accurate promotion of our mission is vital. Competing in the marketplace to reach our target client is more difficult and expensive than ever. But we know that strategic promotion will reach our communities and transform lives in the Pittsburgh area.
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Volunteer in our Ministry

Are you interested in serving a ministry that saves lives and transforms families?  There are many ways to serve at the Network of Life. Complete our volunteer application.


Browse the Giving Catalog

The Giving Catalog is designed to offer you a firsthand look at the essential items our centers require to keep their doors open and serve our communities.




Sponsor a Baby Bottle Campaign

Over 65 local churches, organizations, and schools are looking forward to the Baby Bottle Campaign. Find a way for you to join in this unique campaign.

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Join the Road Crew

We are renewing our vital commitment to prayer. The Road Crew clears the paths to our centers, removes obstacles, and opens highways for women that will lead them to our doors and point them to Christ. Join us as we pray each week on The Road Crew?

Volunteer Positions

Baby Bottle Coordinator

Are liaisons between Network of Life and your church, school, or organization. All of the funds raised through the baby bottle campaigns directly support client services.

Campaign Assistants

Campaign Assistants will help us to connect our annual projects with these groups. Commitment time varies and no training is required. Serves from our Wexford office.

Campus Coordinator 

The Campus Coordinator will recruit and coordinate the campus representatives. The purpose of this role is to positively engage students.


Client Advocate

Works directly with clients in our Centers. Minimum time commitment is one 3-4 hour shift per week. Training is provided. Background check is required.

Church Liaison 

Church Liaisons work to connect your church with WCN events and opportunities to serve. Commitment time varies and no training is required.

Campus Representative

The Campus Representative will promote WCN services on an assigned campus to affect life choices.


Life Support Mentor

The Life Support Mentor is trained to assess needs, create a plan of care, present abstinence to single clients and present parenting education.


Outreach Ambassador 

Outreach Ambassadors will post flyers to help people find our clinics. Commitment time varies and no training is required.


Options Advocate 

The options advocate speaks to women and family members who are considering abortion. Training is provided. Background check is required.

Volunteer Nurse 

Nurses work directly with women and families who are considering abortion and/or at risk for STD. Training is provided. Background check is required.

Cleaning Crew 

Cleaning Crews receive instructions to ensure our pregnancy medical clinics are clean and ready for clients. Background check is required.

Post-Abortion Advocate 

Post-Abortion Advocates provide support to post-abortive women. Training is required along with completion of PACE (Post Abortion Counseling Education) group. Background check required.

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