There’s something about abortion pill reversal that is especially intense. We meet a mom who knows that, because of her actions, her tiny baby is about to die. She began an abortion procedure using the abortion pill (Mifepex) but felt immediate remorse and is now desperate to save his or her life. While many have disparaged abortion pill reversal (APR) as reckless medicine (Colorado has now even outlawed the protocol), we’ve seen first-hand that simply replenishing progesterone can stop the deadly effects of Mifeprex. It is truly a second chance for life. Proverbs 24:11-12 says, “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?”
When Beverly arrived at our door, she seemed torn in two. All of the reasons she chose abortion were still there—three young children, a poor relationship with the father, financial difficulties, and more. But her remorse and regret were equally strong. She wanted to save her baby. Our ultrasound revealed her tiny baby who has been scheduled for death, staggering toward slaughter. But the progesterone we had prescribed the night before had taken effect. Her baby’s heartbeat was strong, and everything looked normal. Praise God. APR hit the center of the target—rescuing the most vulnerable to abortion.
While we were celebrating this amazing little one, it was clear that Beverly’s immediate needs must also be addressed. The Center staff enrolled Beverly in our Life Support program. And since this was her fourth child, she seemed most interested in the financial and parenting classes. Her transformation has been miraculous. Over the next 7 months, she began to pay off debts and opened a savings account for a “reserve fund” to save in hopes of buying her own home. She also started a new family tradition of having dinner around the table three nights a week. This may sound routine to you, but Beverly had never been part of family that ate meals together. Her older children were resistant at first but now enjoy the intentional family time of a dinner and game night at least three times each week. Our team does whatever it takes to help our precious moms. Last week when Beverly was overwhelmed with her job, her pregnancy and parenting, one of our staff washed, dried, sorted and delivered 12 bags of laundry so that Beverly didn’t have to go to the laundromat with her 3 kids. This single mom is courageously breaking a cycle of poverty and dependance.
At Women’s Choice Network, we strive to be transformational. Choosing life is only the beginning of an exciting life changing journey. Now having completed 12 Life Support visits and many other visits with staff, Beverly is due with her miracle baby later in May. Please keep this wonderful family in your prayers.
Thank you for partnering with us to see lives saved and families transformed.
Amy Scheuring
Executive Director