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Writer's pictureNetwork of Life

Transformed by Fellowship

In our current culture, we have shifted from valuing community to prioritizing individualism. Unfortunately, this leads to separation from those who can offer support, love, and care. God intended for us to be in community, which is why we are called the body of Christ. When a part of the body is separated, it dies. This story powerfully reminds us to remain in fellowship with one another because we were never meant to navigate life alone.

Caitlin came in with her boyfriend, seeking an abortion. At the time of her first appointment, she was convinced it was her only option. She and her boyfriend were struggling financially and had just received news that her father needed full-time care. She expressed the overwhelming pressure of already being a full-time mother to an eight-year-old, working full-time, and now the added stress of being a caretaker for her father. Caitlin also shared that she had previous abortions and described the toll they had taken on her.

Caitlin also informed our staff that, aside from her father, they had no other family members in the area who could offer assistance. Determined to show Caitlin that support was available, our staff reached out to a nearby Walking with Moms in Need group. This group offered to throw Caitlin a baby shower to provide the necessary items for her baby. After Caitlin’s third ultrasound, she decided to choose life for her baby! Her boyfriend was also connected to our men’s ministry and is receiving counsel on how to step into his new role as a father.

Caitlin expressed her gratitude through tears of joy, explaining how deeply moved she was by the love and care she received. The promise of fellowship during her pregnancy revealed to her that there are always people willing to help and provide when one is part of a community. Recently, Caitlin had her baby shower, which our staff attended. She is very excited about the impending arrival of her baby. Please pray for a smooth and complication-free delivery. Also, pray that Caitlin remains connected to this community of women, so she continues to grow and comes to know the Father intimately.

1 John 1:7

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

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